Jeremy Agresti of Triplebar
Jeremy Agresti has spent his career developing tools to drastically change the pace of biology with massive-throughput measurements using microfluidics. His seminal contributions as pioneer of miniaturizing biology with microfluidics have resulted in a large number of publications and patents, which have been cited more than 9,000 times, and form the foundation of several companies in the space. His work has allowed Amyris to bring their biofuels and chemicals to market faster, and for companies like Bio-Rad, Illumina and 10x Genomics to bring new single-cell genomics tools and clinical diagnostic tests to market. Jeremy is a co-founder and advisor to Slingshot Biosciences and founder and CTO Triplebar, where he leads a team of scientists and engineers to leverage the power of evolution to bring new biology-produced products to the world and build a sustainable future for the planet.
Learn more about Triplebar at
Alex Shirazi (00:04):
Thanks for joining us on The Future Food Show. On this episode, we’re excited to chat with Jeremy Agresti. Jeremy is the CTO and founder at Triplebar. He is a pioneer of microfluidic and biology, inventor and author with more than 25 microfluidic related patents in publications cited more than 7,000 times. He’s a serial entrepreneur whose inventions and patents have formed the basis of its products at 10x Genomics, BioRad, Slingshot, Illumina, and more. He holds a PhD from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge in the UK. On this episode, we really talk about how Triplebar can speed up developments and advancements within the industry. Jeremy, I would like to welcome you to the Future Food Show.
Jeremy Agresti (00:53):
Thanks, Alex. Awesome to be here.
Alex Shirazi (00:55):
Jeremy, tell us a little bit about your background.
Jeremy Agresti (00:59):
Yeah, so I’m a scientist. I I grew up in Northern California just outside of Sacramento, I think nearby where you are, in Davis. And, and I you know, I kind of maybe my, my background that got me into science is, is a little unusual. I was someone who started my academic career in community college. I went to Sierra College in, in Rocklin out of high school. And you know, I think that, I think that, you know, I like to bring that up because it, you know, I, I think that one of the things I’ve really been grateful for in my career is that I was able to be kind of a late bloomer in science and, and you know, wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do, like a laser beam out of high school.
Jeremy Agresti (01:45):
But but I went to community college because that the opportunity existed and I I was really inspired by the, especially the non-traditional students that were there. And I kind of learned from them like what it meant to be disciplined and to be excited about learning and, and taking evening classes with these people who had, you know, started their their lives and, and decided to go back to school was just like really inspirational for me. And, and so I so I went to community college for a few years, and then I, and then I got my undergraduate at Davis. I studied genetics and biochemistry learned a lot about population genetics and, and kind of natural evolution. And there was some what really kind of like sparked me in my career was, having learned about all these natural processes as a, as an undergraduate, I was reading work that was going on in directed evolution in the literature at the time.
Jeremy Agresti (02:42):
And there was work that was going on in the UK in the lab of of a scientist named Sir Greg Winter, who ha had started to engineer antibodies by using a technology called Phage Display. And the, the thing that kind of blew my mind about that was that what what he had shown was that the, you have these very complex systems in biology and and they’re basically essentially undesignable systems. They’re so complex, but if you can sort of look at enough potential solutions, you can find the answer. And, and that’s really what phage display did. It enabled us to engineer antibodies by by just creating a whole bunch of antibodies that might work, and then selecting them based on their ability to work. And and sort of nature solved the problem.
Jeremy Agresti (03:32):
And that just kind of blew my mind, this idea that just large numbers could overcome these undesignable systems. And and so I actually went to the UK for, for graduate school in, in Greg’s kind of overall department. I worked with a amazing scientist named Andrew Griffiths. And what we were doing was really taking this concept of large numbers and and applying them to other functions in biology. So antibodies binding to a target is one function of biology, but of course there are many, many others. And and what we started to think about was like, what technology needs to exist for us to be able to to, to kind of apply these large numbers across any number of, of things that we want to engineer in biological systems.
Jeremy Agresti (04:23):
And what that brought us to was miniaturization of test tubes. And and the way that we miniaturize was by creating droplets of water in oil. And and so that, that work was something that we, we used to engineer enzymes at the time, but we had aspirations to engineer many more different functions in biology. And the problem was that those, those droplets of water in oil just were not controllable enough to be able to, to really make you know, really predictable progress. And so then I kind of switched, tacks a little bit. I actually joined a, a physics lab at Harvard as a postdoc. A scientist named David Waits, who was working on emulsions but controlling emulsions much more precisely using microfluidic devices. And and so, you know, in the same way that we would sort of stir up water and oil to make essentially like a vinegarette, in our biology lab, in the physics lab, we were able to make very precise and uniform droplets of water that we could control, just like test tubes.
Jeremy Agresti (05:36):
And and so I and the team there, we sort of take, took these concepts and, and really kind of asked the question you know, what are the different modules of, of function that need to exist in order to kind of recapitulate all the different things that you might do in the lab but do it at a microscale and do, do it much, much faster than you could. And so that enabled us to realize this, this idea of like large numbers, but now for more general functions in biology. And so we use those to, you know, do, do the same kinds of of things that I had done before, engineer enzymes, for example, but also to think about how we could use those large numbers to barcode single cells to allow single cell genomics or, or to engineer organisms by creating huge populations of diversity in a genome to, and be able to select for improved strains or cell lines that are producing products.
Jeremy Agresti (06:35):
And so that, you know, that that kind of scientific background led me into industry where I joined a company called Amyris which is, is at the time was a biofuels company and and engineering microorganisms to produce petroleum replacements. And and so, you know, what, what I and my team did there was to kind of take these concepts and of, of huge numbers and apply them to engineering organisms to produce materials, that we want to use. And so my time there at Amyris, and then after Amyris, I, I joined a company called BioRad, which is a, which is a really interesting company that, you know, is probably every single bio lab in the world is a, is a customer of BioRad. They sell a huge range of products across like everything you’d wanna do in a, in a biology lab.
Jeremy Agresti (07:32):
And got, you know, there kind of started to think about like, what’s, you know, how do we take these ideas of of technology and then make, and make them into, into products? And so I got to lead an R&D team there that was doing some really interesting work with diagnostics and other kind of tools in biology to enable you know, more accurate testing for cancer diagnostics and a bunch of other things. And, and I think that what I kinda learned in these various experiences was that you know, first of all, you win, you win. A company like Amyris you know, has a mission to rep to, to do something as important as replacing replacing our energy sources. You can attract this amazing energy and that the team that that company is, was, and I think still is really amazing.
Jeremy Agresti (08:26):
It’s amazing, it was a fantastic place to work, and, and I, I’m so happy. It was my first kind of industry experience where I got to experience like such a, such a, a great energy. And I, that’s something that kind of kept in mind. Like, if I ever, if I ever got to start a company, I would want to have that same excitement.
Alex Shirazi (8:48):
The excitement from Amyris?
Jeremey Agresti (8:53):
Yeah, exactly. And, and you know, I think, I think it still must be great. I haven’t worked there for 10 years, but I you know, it’s it’s actually so hard to recruit people from there, and they’re like, no one wants to leave. I think it’s such a great place. And, and and so that, you know, that was a big inspiration to me. I think that, you know, at BioRad it’s this really interesting company.
Jeremy Agresti (09:03):
I think that, you know what I, the, the you know, it’s a, it’s still run by the founding family after, I don’t know, something like 70, 80 years. The it’s a really merit meritocratic organization. You know, they have people that lead large r and d teams or that don’t have PhDs, for example. And I, I think that that’s, I think that that was another kind of cultural touchpoint that I, that I, that I took away from, from working there. And so, you know, around 2018 you know, I was, I was still at this point where I’d been kind of working toward really my career up to that point had been trying to kind of push these ideas of, you know, you can, you can solve most of the problems of biology by looking at more numbers. And, and there, there, there was a, there’s a window where I didn’t think that that was being done enough.
Jeremy Agresti (09:53):
And and the way to do it, I thought, was to start a company where we could really focus on the key technological things that needed to be completed before that could become a reality. And, I met up with Dave Friedberg, who’s the, the CEO of the production board, who’s our, our first investor. And it was really interesting that they had a thesis that you know, internally that, that that biology had all this potential, but it just that there was some bottleneck that was keeping it from being realized. And and so they kind of were exploring what, what might be the bottleneck. And I think they came across some of my academic work and asked me to to give a, a presentation to them. And turned out that like we had a similar thesis on where the problem lied and, and you know, I had some solutions in mind. And so we just started to, we decided to start the company in the end of 2018, early 2019. We, we got started.
Alex Shirazi (10:57):
And this is, as you were maybe internally wrapping things up at BioRad, you started having these conversations.
Jeremy Agresti (11:04):
That’s right. Yeah. It was sort of like right at that, right at that kind of end of my time at BioRad and, and left BioRad at the, you know, the last last part of 2018, then started Triplebar in 2019.
Alex Shirazi (11:15):
You mentioned that the transition from academia to Amyris was actually very smooth. Would you say that?
Jeremy Agresti (11:22):
Yeah, it was actually, yeah, it was it was great.
Alex Shirazi (11:25):
Transitioning from Amyris to BioRad, was that kind of like a, you know, cuz Amyris was still at the time operating a little bit like a startup or at least Silicon Valley mentality, was the transition to BioRad a little bit more higher contrast going from Amyris to maybe more industry? I mean, Amyris is industry too, but kind of more traditional biotech industry. Was that also smooth, or was it kind of a culture shock?
Jeremy Agresti (11:51):
You know, I think that I wouldn’t describe it as a culture shock. The culture is different. But you know, I kind of, I looked at it as like an opportunity to, to kind of learn a different facet of, of industry you know, the, at Amherst at the time, like they, it was really about research and just trying a lot of things to try to get the first products on, on the market. And at, at BioRad there was, there was a, there was much more, I would say not a disparaging way, but much more maturity around like, like what’s really required to ship a product to customers. And, and and so, so yes, it’s a, it’s a different set of skills that exist there. But I was like really excited to learn about that.
Jeremy Agresti (12:41):
Cause I kinda always had it in my mind that in order to really have impact, you have to have a bit of both, right? There has to be, there has to be creativity and, and discovery and really pushing new things where there, where there are problems that need to be solved, but you also have to, but you also have to be able to execute on that and, and really kind of make high quality things that, that work, you know, when, when you, when you ship them. And so, so that, that was really what I, that’s really what I kind of thought I would learn best at, at BioRad. And, and I think that’s, that’s accurate. That’s what, that’s what it was like.
Alex Shirazi (13:14):
Cool. And so going back to Triplebar maybe first before we even get into it, you know, where does the name come from in, you know, for this context?
Jeremy Agresti (13:23):
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, Triplebar is the mathematical symbol for identity, right? It’s the, if you can imagine like an equal sign with an extra line on top, that’s the Triplebar. And and the name comes from when we started to think about like where the technology we were developing could have the most impact we, we were, we, you know, we gravitated toward nutrition and, and specifically, you know, making foods that are, or products for foods that, that were identical to their original source. So, so you can imagine, you know, an animal protein produced by a microorganism instead of a plant-based alternative or, or a cell line derived from an animal rather than you know, a soy protein that’s been extruded or something like that. So the identical object, the identical peptide, the identical molecule and so that’s where the, that’s where the name came from.
Jeremy Agresti (14:22):
And then the other thing was, I think it kind of has the ring of a ranch <laugh>. And, and so the, and, and in fact there are ranches called Triplebar. The, and it’s a, it’s a, you know in this in the west, the, the, the kind, there’s a, there’s a nomenclature for brands, for cattle brands, and, and the Triplebar is actually one of the, one of the brand identities. And, and so it kind of has, it kind of evokes this like identity and then it also evokes an agricultural kind of connotation as well. And so and so that, that’s what, that’s kind of what we decided on.
Alex Shirazi (15:00):
And I like that. And once you said that there are Triplebar Ranch or something like that, it kind of made me feel like, oh yeah, that’s kind of a nice ranch or agricultural focused name, even though there was no connection for me. It kind of makes sense. Yeah. <laugh>. So tell me, I guess for our audience, what is it at a high level that you’re working on? And if I’m correct, you, you, you guys are going beyond just food as well, right? Other materials.
Jeremy Agresti (15:25):
Right? Yeah, yeah. And I mean, really the, the idea behind what we do is that we think we can sort of solve a really fundamental problem in biology, which is that the, this, the systems that we work in, the organisms and molecules are, are way too complex to design, kind of goes back to their original inspiration of me joining science. And so because of that, cuz of that broad applicability, we thought about like, how do we, how do we really enable you know, this idea of the bioeconomy in a, in a large sense to, to become a reality? And, and and so we, you know, the way that we kind of asked ourselves when we started the company, like what has held, what has held the, this industry back and, and what would need to be true in order for it to be to be predictable and mature industry.
Jeremy Agresti (16:17):
And so so we work in, in order to, to kind of enable that industry at large, we, we, we didn’t wanna be a company where we focused on one product from kind of soup to nuts from kind of the, the, the idea of the thing all the way through to manufacturing, all the way through to creating creating products on the shelf for consumers. We thought that the best way to be broad was to, to pick an area that was the actual bottleneck, get really good at it, and then, and then partner with companies that have figured out the other parts that maybe don’t need to be reinvented. And so what we focus on we call ourselves a product design engine. So we work on the kind of the, the discovery and optimization of organisms and cell lines and molecules that, that that is, is really the part of the development process that where, you know, companies spend years of uncertainty to try to discover these things.
Jeremy Agresti (17:21):
So, in the case of so the areas we work in are in in precision fermentation of proteins where the, the hard part is engineering engineering microbes that produce animal proteins, sometimes toxic things that are toxic to microbes at high levels. And so that they can, the products can be made cost effectively. And where, you know, my experience and I think others, that have been in the industry is that, you know, that, that that step of finding an organism that performs at scale is the part that takes maybe, you know, many years and many sometimes tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars to develop. And we, and, and because of the technology we’ve developed, we’re able to do that much faster and, and in a much more predictable way. And so, so we work in that area.
Jeremy Agresti (18:13):
We also apply those same principles to the area of cultivated meat. I know it’s like a big, a big part of, of your podcast. And, really for us, those two areas that there’s so much in common. So, you know, whether we’re engineering you know, a fat cell line from an animal, or we’re engineering a yeast to produce a protein, the same principles and even some of the same methods and technology are used. And so that enables us to be really highly focused on this one part of the problem. And and we partner with other companies for the, the other parts. So production for example or, or marketing and sales. I’ll stop there. That’s two of the areas we work in.
Alex Shirazi (19:06):
Yeah, no, that’s great. And I think very direct value add and benefits for the audience of our podcast. It seems like the typical stage in the r and d process that a company would work with Triplebar is as early as day one. And then I think you mentioned like some sort of scale up or manufacturing consulting opportunities as well. But I wanted to kind of ask you, at which stage in the R&D process is kind of like Prime for either a precision fermentation or a cultured meat company to start working with Triplebar?
Jeremy Agresti (19:42):
I think that anywhere along that stage is actually valuable. So the, so one of the really cool things about a technology like ours is that we can find that kind of zero to one step, right? So something that hasn’t existed and then we, you know, we’re able to kind of build it into a production system and, and then get it to the point where it, it, it kind of works. But then also you know, it, you know, oftentimes companies in our, in our field have have gotten to a certain point, and then when they try to scale it there’s a, there’s a, there’s a disconnect between what they thought they, the forms they thought they had and what they actually had and, and be, and we’re able to to kind of engineer things that, that are scalable.
Jeremy Agresti (20:29):
And so and so we think we see ourselves as kind of partners with, you know, with, you know, real true partners with the companies we work with to the point where, you know, we, we’ve, we’ve announced recently you know, a partnership that we have with a, a large dairy company called Friesland Campina. And our partnership is, is to engineer organisms that, that produce produce dairy proteins. But, but it extends not just like, not just from the kind of design of the organism to production, and then we hand it off. We actually, we actually work together throughout scale up and, and even into the future for improvements and cost and, and also and also you know, any other, any other changes that need to be made to the system. So, so we see ourselves as, as really long-term partners. And, and in that case, it, it doesn’t really matter what stage what stage you know, we enter the agreement.
Alex Shirazi (21:30):
I see. Okay. I’m sure that your team is working with different types of equipment and hardware. Would you say that your team also creates customizations to hardware or custom hardware in fact?
Jeremy Agresti (21:42):
We do. We do. There’s a hardware component to our technology and and that’s, that’s customized and, and we build it bespoke for us. And, and so that’s a, that, that is a big part of, of, of our platform is a hardware component. We don’t sell hardware to other companies. You know, that, that’s one of the things I think I learned at, at BioRad was that the, you know, especially engineering systems that that use they’re pretty complex. Like, like Microfluidic can be really hard to support in the field to have a customer walk up with an expectation of it just working first time and, and to support that can be a real challenge. And so, so our approach is really that, that we can have hardware systems that are, that we develop and, and our very skilled team operates and is able to modify as needed for, you know, for the different programs we work on.
Jeremy Agresti (22:41):
And that, that is a, that really is like 90% of the engineering burden of a, of developing hardware to, to when you keep it internally. And that, and that way we can sort of, we can have better systems that are more adapted to the products we work on, but then also we, we, we can we don’t have to worry about all the, all the, all the support that goes along with shipping to customers. You know, I would ca I would classify the hardware as, as one part of our platform. The, you know, the organisms and the assays that we work with are, are, are really important and they’re not separate from the hardware, the, the you know, that we can’t really have a, a system that’s really, that really creates a lot of value or really solves problems by just like having a piece of hardware that with, that operates in the absence of these other things. And so, so the, we ha we have to be able to to have like a deep understanding of the organisms we work with, which are the hosts that produce the products, or sometimes they are the products. And and then the, the measurement systems that we use to, to know that we’re measuring the right thing and that, that when we find something that’s improved, it really is improved. And all those things are worked together so tightly that you really can’t separate them.
Alex Shirazi (23:51):
Would you say that if there was a company or if there was a team that was kind of lacking the biotech side, could Triplebar fill in as that biotech side before they get into manufacturing and scale up and things like that?
Jeremy Agresti (24:05):
For sure. So that, that, that would be a great partner for us actually, is where there’s that, that really distinct complementarity. And so, you know part of our business the way we operate our business is to work with companies that that, you know, have a, that have part of the, part of the value chain figured out, but it’s maybe not a biotech part. And and then we want to work with them to provide, to provide that side of it.
Alex Shirazi (24:33):
I’m sure there’s a wide range of ways you work with companies and, and let me know if this is too direct of a question, but you know, when we speak to groups like Ginkgo, a lot of times they have agreements where IP is also owned on their side. It seems like IP is something that Triplebar would also own as part of a project. Am I right with that or are, are there a couple different ways to handle it?
Jeremy Agresti (24:57):
Yeah, I think that the, the bottom line is that you know, the, our partners need to have access, whether that’s through a license or, or through ownership so that they’re able to kind of sell the products that they, that we make together. And then, you know, that we also retain parts of the IP so that we can, we can you know, use them as a, as a learning tool and also all for, for future projects and also as, you know, as a starting point for other projects, but usually an agreement would have some exclusivity in a region or for a certain product or set of products, that kind of thing.
Alex Shirazi (25:31):
And the exciting thing about that is a, at the end of the day you know, this is going to be making new food products more available, something that we definitely need a lot of, especially as we’re looking at alternative proteins. Another question I had is like, how early or how small would be a team that’s too small to start talking to Triplebar? Is there some sort of barrier to entry, whether it’s a dollar amount or a process or anything like that?
Jeremy Agresti (25:58):
Not at all. I mean, I think, I think it’s like what we’re looking for are really like partners that we kind of believe in and, and we think, we think off, we think can be complimentary to us to kind of, to really bring something to market. And so you know, the, we don’t, we don’t have any, any rules about like who, who we would talk to or when we would talk to someone. We have, you know announced our agreement with like, I think the third largest dairy product company in the world. That’s one. And then we also, we also are in constant conversations with smaller startups about, about different types of products.
Alex Shirazi (26:37):
The office is located in Emeryville, is that correct?
Jeremy Agresti (26:40):
That’s right, yep.
Alex Shirazi (26:41):
And how big is the team? Not necessarily just at Emeryville, but how big is the team in general?
Jeremy Agresti (26:47):
Yeah, yeah. Well, we’re all, we’re all in Emeryville pretty much. We have a few people who are remote, but the teams are around 40.
Alex Shirazi (26:54):
Fory! Okay. Wow. Going back to your experience through academia and then going into the industry and now the startup world, we have a lot of listeners on the show that are in some sort of academic program right now. What advice do you have for them, for those interested in getting involved in either a startup or joining industry either going into some sort of PhD or postdoctoral program or finishing one up? Any advice for those listeners?
Jeremy Agresti (27:24):
I think, I think a lot of advice actually. Yeah. I think that first of all working at a startup is in incredibly fun and rewarding. I wish I had done this sooner in my career, although I don’t know for sure I was mature enough to, to lead it. It it’s been really exciting. I think one of the things I, one of the things I’ve learned is that you, you asked a little while ago about you know, the difference in culture difference between working at an established company like BioRad or like a, a company like Amyris or, or Triplebar something I’ve realized is that the work is hard and challenging no matter what it is. And and so you know what, what what I think is the most fun is when you have the, the degrees of freedom to solve those hard problems and, and at, at a startup, there’s, there’s no more pure environment where like every single person can have an impact on the final result, no matter what your role is.
Jeremy Agresti (28:25):
And I think that that, that, you know, given that problems are hard no matter where you work you know, it’s really even more fun to, to have the degree of freedom that you have and the impact you can make at a startup. So, so I recommend it to anyone. I, you know, there’s often concern from people that startups are, are unstable or, or as riskier. My advice to people on that is that you can think of kind of a, a career stability and then a job stability, and you should kind of think of those things as separate. And, you know, if you have a, a good skillset and, and, and experience, your career is probably pretty stable. I think that, I think that, and especially if you live somewhere like the Bay Area where, you know, or Boston or San Diego to a certain extent where there’s like an industry you can, you can keep a steady career even if, even if your job is I is changes over time.
Jeremy Agresti (29:18):
And so, so I, I kind of advise people like, not, not like what’s the worst that happens if your startup fails is you just go get another job? And, and people in our, in our industry like the, the, those skills are, are in demand even as the industry is struggling a bit with some funding situations and other things. I think that I think the, the skillsets are in demand and, and and so I, I recommend people go for it. The, the the other thing is I think around like how to get into the industry. I think that for us anyway like I think we’re, we’re most interested in the kind of principles that people have developed more than the specific knowledge. I think one of the most important things you learn in graduate school is this feeling of ownership of a project and that, you know, if you don’t do it, no one’s gonna do it.
Jeremy Agresti (30:12):
And and even though in companies we work on teams so closely, I still really think that that feeling that that principle of ownership is really important and it’s hard to develop that. You certainly can, but it’s you, but it’s hard to develop that outside of, of, of grad school. So if you’re a more junior person in the industry, maybe it doesn’t have a PhD, you haven’t been through grad school, you know, I think proving that kind of ownership and, and and that, that developing that trait of, of like, I’m gonna get this done or I’m gonna make sure it gets done regardless is a really important one. And so, you know, the, the most, the thing I kind of look at of when, you know, when we have, when I’m looking at a resume is, is how interested in are they, is this person working here? And like, and, and I think that it’s so easy, actually, believe it or not, to kind of rise above the average by doing a little research on the company you’re applying to and maybe some people who work at the company. And coming in with a little bit of knowledge goes, goes huge distances to, to making you know, an employer excited about hiring someone,
Alex Shirazi (31:23):
The career stability versus job stability is such a great way to phrase it. Because I think especially in this kind of like modern way of thinking where somebody doesn’t get their degree and then work at a company for 30 years, I think career stability is something that, like you mentioned, if you’re in like a, a tech or biotech hotspot, you have that, right? So it really takes the stress off of things and, and it’s much more important to have career stability than job stability. So we’re gonna highlight that. That’s great.
Jeremy Agresti (31:54):
Okay, good. Yeah, I mean, I mean, I love, I love it when I talk to a candidate and I feel like they have a mission in their career and they see me or us as a way to, to kind of leverage that mission. You know, like that’s, that’s not off-putting at all for me. And you know, it’s a, it’s like I love to hear someone who really wants to solve a problem and they’re like, yeah, I think that working with you could be a way for me to solve that problem. Like that that’s a great, that’s a great attitude, I think.
Alex Shirazi (32:23):
Yeah. And you could see, you could like kind of see their passion in that, right?
Jeremy Agresti (32:27):
Seeing interest is just, it, it’s surprising like how how rare it is that, that someone like has done research on the company they’re applying to work at, you know, and it’s like, it’s like so <laugh> I can’t, I can’t describe like how, like, how happy it makes me when someone’s like, oh, I read this paper that the scientist who I saw works here did. And I think that’s really interesting because [blah], right? Or, you know, it’s a, it’s a, it means so much and it’s hardly anyone does it. So you can stand out immensely by doing that as a candidate.
Alex Shirazi (32:57):
It’s funny because sometimes when you see that it’s like, oh, they’re, they’re trying too hard. But then when you realize how so few candidates actually go and do that, you realize, no, they’re not like trying too hard. They’re actually passionate here.
Jeremy Agresti (33:09):
Yeah, exactly. That’s how I read it. I, I wouldn’t read it as trying never, I would, that would never read to me is trying too hard. It would be, it would be like showing their true interest and passion, which is what we want. We can overcome a lot of hard problems with interest and passion <laugh>.
Alex Shirazi (33:23):
Yeah. Yeah. And I’m, I’m just laughing at how many, I guess, emails gotten in the past where it’s just like, dear sir or Madam and, and it’s, it’s just <laugh>. It’s not the way to approach connecting for jobs! So, you could learn more about Triplebar at You could connect with Jeremy on LinkedIn. You know, Jeremy, are there, are you guys hiring for open roles at Triplebar right now?
Jeremy Agresti (33:46):
We’re always looking for, yeah, for, for candidates we have a, we have like open positions on our website and you know, we, we always keep a position on the website that’s just general interest because we wanna hear from people who are excited by our mission and, and, and just wanna see what’s available. So yes.
[Click here to access Careers at Triplebar]
Alex Shirazi (34:04):
Cool. And I guess whether you are a startup or company with a biotech team or without a biotech team, you can also go to triple and there there’s a, a section called Partner With Us. Is that the best way to get in touch?
Jeremy Agresti (34:19):
Yeah, that’s, that’s a great way to get, get in touch. That’s probably the easiest way.
Alex Shirazi (34:24):
Awesome. Okay. Well, Jeremy, thank you so much for being on the show. Do you have any last insights for our listeners today?
Jeremy Agresti (34:32):
You know, I just, I just think that, you know, we’re kind of on the precipice as, as a, as a humanity there. There’s, there’s this age of biotech that is kind of about to happen. And I’m really excited by it. I think that, I think all the, all the things are in place to really to, to kind of create this, this new you know, we’ve had kind of, you know, different you know, stone Age and, and Iron Age and, and Agricultural Age and Information Age. And I think that, I think biology is kind of poised to kind of be the next set of solutions that enable us to be healthier and and to live, you know, kind of sustainably on the planet. And, and we’re happy to be part of it. And you know, I think I, you know, I just couldn’t be more optimistic about that.
Alex Shirazi (35:19):
Jeremy, thank you so much,
Jeremy Agresti (35:21):
Alex. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it
Alex Shirazi (35:23):
This is your host Alex, and we look forward to seeing you on the next episode.
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